Hi, I’m Rinda and I’m glad you are here. I specialize in causing deep emotional healing. The approach I use disables and replaces old ‘programming’ from the past so you feel better and act more in alignment with what makes sense to you.
DEEP emotional healing
If you’re anything like I am, you’ve been looking into ways to heal from the past. Maybe you’ve tried therapy or self-help books, affirmations or journaling - there are so many ways that promise to get you unstuck and make you feel and do better.
For me, progress felt slow and never ending. I kept at it for years, trying various methods. Maybe something would cause deep emotional healing.
Then, that’s exactly what I found.

disable old beliefs
What I found not only gets you past the stuck points, but makes you feel good and able to move on.
As a personal development devotee and later as a therapist, what I discovered is when people have been unable to change something about how they’ve been thinking, feeling or reacting it’s often not because of lack of effort or motivation. What makes it so challenging is that thoughts and feelings are generated in a part of the mind that’s not in conscious awareness. How do you change something you’re not even aware of?
And it’s not that this part of mind is intending to be problematic. Quite the opposite. The top priority of this deep and powerful part of mind is to keep you safe from threat. It is continuously on the look out for signs of danger, and when detected it automatically kicks right into a “fight, flight or freeze” mode.
When people do things that don’t seem to make sense it’s when old, outdated information continues to be flagged as important by this protective part of mind. These deeply embedded beliefs can cause physiological systems to react to things that aren’t even going on or relevant. It doesn’t help that this part of mind doesn’t respond to logic and reason or willpower.
There is a fast and effective solution.
The approach I use is rooted in Rapid Resolution Therapy® (RRT), updating old out-dated patterns and clearing up “stuck” data. As a result, emotional reactivity and rumination calm way down, even disappear altogether. You feel lighter and freed up and energized.
I think of what I do as the perfect blend between therapy and coaching:
Like therapy except that sticking points are cleared up right away without painful exploration. Our focus is emotional change so you FEEL BETTER FAST.
Like coaching except it’s the subconscious being coached so that outdated subconscious “programs” that have been causing problems are replaced with those that are in line with what you are looking for.
My clients report that they automatically and naturally experience increased ease, energy and clarity that continues and even accelerates. These are results you wouldn’t be getting by going to regular talk therapy or coaching for months (or years!)

Tried and true
I get excited to share about RRT because I’ve experienced it’s transformational power myself.
introduction to rrt
When I was first introduced to it at a training, one of the other attendees had witnessed her big sister committing suicide 15 years prior. She struggled with grief, guilt, regret, flashbacks and deep pain ever since. She volunteered to experience RRT in front of the group.
A few days later
I watched in amazement as all those painful emotions disappeared for her. I actually saw her facial expression softening and a change in her whole demeanor. A few days later she reported still no flashbacks, none of those disturbing emotions. That blew me away. I knew then RRT was for me.
A couple of years later
A couple of years later when I ran into her she reported that the pain and misery her mind had associated with her sister had been completely replaced with peaceful and love-filled memories, and that she felt connected to her sister.
Personal experience
I’ve since experienced RRT’s transformational power myself, including relief from grief, trauma, guilt, shame, resentment and anxiety.
I love it. I’ve attended well 100s of hours of RRT training and counting. I’ve become a Specialist through the Institute for Rapid Resolution Therapy, teach in trainings for the organization, and have been deeply involved with the Institute for Survivors of Sexual Violence (ISSV), a non-profit that provides RRT at no cost to survivor's of sexual violence.
Although I’ve specialized in freeing up people from trauma symptoms resulting from sexual assault, abuse or neglect, just about any kind of stuckness and/or emotional turmoil can be eased and updated.
RRT works from the inside out. That’s it’s special sauce.

“I tried different therapies/therapists to alleviate these issues…none of these approaches seemed to work for more than a few weeks…just a few sessions with Rinda freed me from these.”
“Rinda genuinely cares about my well being and state of mind. She provided me with the necessary tools to change my thinking, which in turn has brought some clarity and peace into my life. I am so grateful for her!”
Definitely not what I thought it was going to be. Rinda was absolutely AMAZING!”
emotional turmoil cleared up fast
To me, getting relief shouldn’t be about session after session after session.
I kind of think of what I do can be like going to a really good car mechanic. If you had a problem with your car’s engine you wouldn’t want to have to keep returning over and over before you could get it to work better. To me, quality therapy gets things done in the shortest time period possible, so you can get on with your life.
And like a really good mechanic, you’ll want to tell your friends and loved ones about me :)
what a session is like
A session is scheduled to last about two hours - give or take. Rather than finishing a session based on time, we’ll finish based on accomplishing what we intend - you feeling better.
Significant and lasting value for you is my intention of any session. You’ll share with me what you’d like to get done and what you think I should know and I take it from there. In other words, you don’t do the “work,” I do.
Meaningful change does not have to be a lot of difficult or painful work. Once we hit the sweet spot it just happens - automatically and naturally. We’ll both know when the session is finished because you’ll feel different. You’ll feel better.
Any one session is intended to move you toward full resolution. Sometimes what we achieve in one session is satisfying enough and then clients can take it from there. Sometimes clients return for additional sessions in order to produce more movement or resolve additional issues. Some clients experience the full resolution of an issue or several issues in just one session.
I have found having a couple of hours available for a session to be super effective and powerful. This allows us to really get the job done without time pressure. I think of it as kind of like cleaning out an engine so it runs optimally - what matters is the clean engine, not how long it takes.
We’ll get that engine purring.
The fee per session is $500.

more information
I answered most frequently asked questions here on my FAQs page.
You’re welcome to request a free introductory session if you’d like a better idea of what you can expect from meeting with me and I’m happy to answer any questions you may have.